A: Answer: A: OS X Mountain Lion and Lion have got the Library folder hidden. CrabEmu is a video game console emulator for Mac OS X, Sega Dreamcast, and various other nix-like targets.

Redream is a Dreamcast emulator, enabling you to play your favorite Dreamcast games in high-definition.
Media: GD-ROM (GigaByte Disk-ROM) Drive - Maximum speed 12X 1. 18 hours ago &0183 &32 Its Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn, Nintendo Virtual Boy, and NEC PC Engine Servidor de Minecraft.This means you get to conveniently play some of the most emblematic titles in history, like Jet Set. This program offers one of the most fluid and simple emulation experiences you can find on Mac. Operating System: Customized Microsoft Windows CE and Sega operating system Redream is an emulator of the latest SEGA console, the legendary Dreamcast.Expansion Options: Modem: 33.6kb per second transfer rate (56kb in U.S.) Upgradable.Dreamcast Control Pad: Digital and analog directional controls, Dual analog triggers, Virtual Memory System data save unit.Sound: Yamaha Audio Core, 32-bit RISC CPU, DSP for real-time effects, 64 sound channels, ,Full 3D sound support, Hardware-based audio compression.Memory: 16 MB main RAM, 8 MB video RAM, 2 MB sound RAM.Hardware-based Fog, Bump mapping, 24-bit color, Hardware-based texture compression, Shadow and Light volumes, Super sampling
Graphics Core: NEC PowerVRSG, 3 million polygons/second peak rendering rate, Perspective-Correct Texture Mapping, Point, Bilinear, Trilinear and Anisotropic Mip-map filtering, Gouraud shading 32-bit z-buffer, Colored light sourcing, Full scene anti-aliasing.CPU: Hitachi SH-4, 200MHz clock rate, 360 MIPS (millions of instructions per second), 1.4 GigaFLOPS (floating-point operations per second), 128-bit 3D calculations, 64-bit data bus, 800+ MBytes/second bus bandwidth.It was released before Playstation 2 but it lost the race against it and Gamecube, partially due to what many believe was less than great marketing efforts by Sega. Sega's next generation console tried to undo the damage the Playstation had made to Sega's market share.